PLUS Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Video!
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Dear Subscribers,

The national debt jumped $204 billion  on October 2nd while the US Treasury had to draw down its cash balance to pay bills by an additional $72 billion resulting in a $275 billion deficit in a single day.  What is the meaning of this insanity?  Are the organized crime banks and their puppet "governments" waging economic warfare against the global population as the information revolution of the internet begins to expose their illegitimacy and criminality? 

Whether you believe that or not, it is clear that "government" doesn't work.. The "Con-stitution" doesn't really limit "government" or protect even basic individual rights... and the whole thing has enriched a few at the expense of the many! 

So... What do we replace it with? Nothing!  That is the good news message of our conference and the importance of our conference... Once this organized crime system crashes... it is important to educate as many folks as possible on what really failed... what really caused the crash... who is really responsible and the GOOD NEWS MESSAGE:  We don't really need "government" and that everyone would be much wealthier and harmonious without it!  

THAT is what we are doing in Sedona on Nov 1st-3rd at Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference.... AND... I hope you will join me there! 

 Use my discount code: Etienne5 for a 5% discount on either an in-person or virtual ticket!  All US ticket buyers will get a free paperback copy of my upcoming book: Voluntaryism - How the Only "ISM" Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! when it is released! 

If you live outside the US and buy the virtual ticket then you will get both an ePub copy AND a $10 postage credit towards getting a free copy.  You pay the remainder and we send you the book for free. 

Ryan Cristian from the Last American Vagabond will be hosting a free "Behind the Scenes" stream on the day of the event with interviews and the "Tough Questions" panel that he will be hosting during the conference.  Sign up at to get notified of the URL.   

PS... If you are digging Five Meme Friday, Don't forget you can buy us a Coffee... Err Juice! at - Support us for as little as $5...  We really, really appreciate it!

OR You Can Buy Us a Coffee at  

Update: Juice has now pulled up even with coffee! Thank you to Dee for bringing juice in for the tie! 

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Top Story of the Week

Derrick Broze: The Trump-RFK-Musk-Thiel Cabal Is Fooling The Freedom Movement


Etienne Note: We usually reserve this Substack for our original writings and research but over the next month we will be featuring some of the best work of our speakers for the upcoming Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference starting with Derrick Broze’s epic rant on how Trump is fooling the freedom movement which is a recurring topic at the Art of Liberty Foundation as well. We had a transcript made of the rant which you can find below. You can support Derrick Broze and The Conscious Resistance AND save 5% on your ticket to Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona by using the coupon code: Broze5 when getting your ticket or access to the global livestream/archive.

The Trump-RFK-Musk-Thiel Cabal Is Fooling The Freedom Movement

By Derrick Broze @

Let's get into this unholy union of Trump, RFK, Thiel, and Musk. And if you saw the picture that I started out with, it's the picture of RFK on stage with Trump, right? And I guess that's the big news that Friday afternoon, a couple of days ago, RFK announced that he was suspending his campaign. in battleground states. He's going to keep himself on the various ballots in other states. But ultimately, let's be real. He's quitting his campaign. He's actively said he's going to go out and campaign for Trump. So I don't know how you still he's trying to like have it both ways and tell his supporters, I'm not a sellout. I'm not giving up. You can still vote for me in these other states. But in the battleground states where it allegedly matters, you should vote for Trump instead.

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Videos of the Week

Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryist Conference - THE VIDEO! 

Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference - Nov 1-3rd 2024

Your 1.5 Minutes of Zen!  Get a preview of what to expect from Liberty on the Rocks 2024 with a couple of clips from Liberty on the Rocks 2023!  Stay tuned as we will be syndicating the full talks from 2023 including what I think was Larken Rose's best speech ever! Save 5% on your ticket or the livestream with the code: Etienne5   get all the details at

"Government", Media and Academia
Criminality Exposed

Virginia GOP candidate Derrick Anderson borrows friend's family for bizarre campaign photo


Etienne Note: In addition to the ridiculousness and fraud of faking a family photo, I am carrying this article because it demonstrates another dynamic we have been publicizing in “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the except we published for free on Substack: CIA Democrats… And Republicans! - Are You Getting Your Politicians from the CIA? on the incredible number of “ex” CIA employees, OR other intelligence agency veterans, OR ex-special operations veterans (that are one degree of separation away from the CIA ) being funded for Congressional seats. In this case we have a seat which is being vacated by “Ex” CIA operative Abigail Spanberger (who is now running for Governor of Virginia where the CIA is located) being replaced by an “Ex” Major in the Special Forces who is already deceiving the voters with a fake family.  Unbelievable…

Virginia GOP candidate Derrick Anderson borrows friend's family for bizarre campaign photo

                  By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com

A Republican running for Congress in Virginia has gone viral after a 'family photo' he used in a campaign ad was not what it seemed. 

Derrick Anderson, an Army veteran, is attempting to flip a blue district red in 2024 after its current occupant, Abigail Spanberger, announced she would vacate to run for governor in 2025.

Anderson recently released a campaign ad that featured footage of himself with a woman and three children - what appeared to be a family photo - in an effort to play to women voters and family values.

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"Daily News of The Week

Trump Pushes Narrative That Iran Is Trying To Kill Him

by Tyler Durden

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump pushed a narrative being spread by US intelligence officials that Iran is trying to kill him even though there’s no evidence of Iranian involvement in either attempt on his life. Trump’s campaign said they were briefed on the alleged Iranian threat by officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is led by Avril Haines. "Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire US Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out, but they will try again," Trump wrote on X after the briefing. "Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before."

The claim that Iran is plotting to kill Trump was first made by a CNN report back in July, following the assassination attempt by Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was shot and killed by the Secret Service. The report acknowledged there was no evidence Crooks was linked to Iran, which was reaffirmed on Tuesday by intelligence officials speaking to The New York Times, who stressed there was no Iran connection to the July shooting.

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NYC: “Drug-User” Vending Machine Offering Free Meth Kits and Condoms has to be Refilled Twice a Week

by Elvis Dunderhoff

When the American democracy government talks about “freedom,” this is what they’re referencing: free meth kits.

They want as many people high on drugs as possible. It’s called democracy.

New York Post:

The city’s drug-user supply vending machine is so popular, workers have to refill it twice a week — with some neighbors embracing it and others saying it causes trouble like users “laid out in front of it.”

Nearly four months after the introduction of the free machine — which offers everything from crack pipes to Narcan to condoms — drug users are still flocking to it to snap up supplies in Brooklyn, residents said.

“[It] goes very fast,” the super of a building near the machine in Brownsville told The Post. “They take what they want and leave.”

Some neighbors have accepted the contraption — which also spits out fentanyl test strips — as a necessary evil that helps save lives.

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Who Is Kamala Harris and What Is Her Big Secret? Candace Owens Investigates!

by Candace Owens and Olive Barker

Janet Jackson was recently harshly criticized for saying this about Kamala Harris: “She’s not Black. That’s what I heard. That she’s Indian.” She added that she heard that Kamala’s father was white. This has become an issue because Kamala Harris is courting the black vote and may be downplaying the white side of her family that were reported to have been slave traders. Candace Owens investigated the claim and opened a can of worms in her last 3 podcasts.

Kamala Harris’ book, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey, features a photo of Kamala with her purported paternal grandmother, Beryl. But it seems impossible because Beryl died in 1960 and Kamala wasn’t born until 4 years later in 1964. Kamala’s father, Donald Harris is a radical Marxist who was a professor of economics at Stanford University. He says that he was born in Jamaica in 1938, but there is no birth certificate for Donald Harris.

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Putin orders conscription of 133,000 new soldiers to fight on the front line

by Sarah Hooper

Vladimir Putin has ordered the conscription of another 133,000 soldiers to aid his war in Ukraine.

The 18-to-30 year olds will be called up between tomorrow and December 31, but parents have raised fear that the untrained conscripts will be thrust straight into ‘hot’ border regions close to the war zone. 

The figure is higher than the same draft last year when Putin recruited 130,000, and in spring when he drafted another 150,000.

The Russian regime is facing an increasing backlash over use of conscripts close to the war zone in defiance of an earlier Putin promise to parents that he would not put recruits in harm’s way. 

One grieving Russian mother has risked arrest by demanding from Putin  why her untrained conscript son, 18, was killed in the war, as she accused the autocrat of lying. 

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Why Mexico Is on the Road to Serfdom

by Sergio Martínez

Eighty years ago, Friedrich Hayek watched in anguish as Western liberal democracies seemed to embrace the authoritarian tendencies that had given rise to Nazism in Germany. In The Road to Serfdom (1944), he dedicated his work “to socialists of all parties,” warning that both left-wing socialism and national socialism were branches of the same tree. Hayek feared England would repeat the history he had witnessed in Germany when he wrote the following:

When one hears for a second time opinions expressed or measures advocated which one has first met twenty or twenty-five years ago, they assume a new meaning as symptoms of a definite trend. They suggest, if not the necessity, at least the probability, that developments will take a similar course.

Parallels in Hispanic America

Hispanic America has experienced numerous manifestations of totalitarian government, making it easy for those from the region, like myself, to sympathize with Hayek’s warnings. Since President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) took office in 2018 in Mexico, my Venezuelan friends have repeatedly warned of the authoritarian similarities between Obrador’s government and those of Chávez and Maduro. Obrador, a politician with strong socialist convictions, published a book in 2018 that denounced corruption as Mexico’s main problem. What seemed like a harmless statement masked a dangerous belief: for Obrador, corruption was synonymous with privatization and private property.

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The Case Against Foreign Aid

by Daniel J. Mitchell

The main argument in favor of foreign aid is that rich countries can and should help poor countries become more prosperous. And plenty of politicians are following that approach. According to the latest data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, donor governments gave away more than $220 billion last year. But advocates of foreign aid say that’s not enough. The folks at the United Nations assert that rich countries should double their foreign aid budgets.

Skeptics of aid have a different perspective. They explain that foreign aid is not successful and that increasing aid budgets would be throwing good money after bad. They argue that foreign aid is wrong in theory since it focuses on giving money to governments rather than the pro-market policy reforms that would boost growth. And they argue that foreign aid has failed the real-world test since countries receiving large transfers have not climbed out of poverty.

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Trump, Israel & the Rothschilds

by Dean Henderson

Excerpted from my book Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse, Chapter 6: Why Trump is a Rothschild Tool.

The moving of the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al Quds in 2018 was marked by Israeli Defense Forces killing more than 60 unarmed Palestinian protestors.  It should have surprised no one that, despite the convening of a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the genocide, the US government said nothing to condemn the Israeli slaughter.  UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said,  “No country in this chamber would act with more restraint than Israel has."

Ironically, that Ministry of Truth version of “restraint” occurred on the 70th anniversary of the founding of Israel.   Back then, Stern Gang and Haganah Zionist terror cells operating in the British Mandate of Palestine, slaughtered Palestinian families, seized their olive and pistachio groves and moved into their deeded houses, all with the backing of President Harry Truman and the US government.

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Supreme Court Unleashes Censors and Betrays Democrac

By James Bovard

On the eve of the first presidential candidate debate, the Supreme Court gave a huge boost to Joe Biden to help him “fix” the 2024 election with maybe its worst decision of the year. It remains to be seen whether the court’s refusal to stop federal censorship will be a wooden stake in the credibility of American democracy.

The court ruled in the case of Murthy v. Missouri, a lawsuit brought by individuals censored on social media thanks to federal threats and machinations. Court decisions last year vividly chronicled a byzantine litany of anti–free speech interventions by multiple federal agencies and the White House. On July 4, 2023, federal judge Terry Doughty condemned the Biden administration for potentially “the most massive attack against free speech in United States history.” A federal appeals court imposed injunctions on federal officials to prohibit them from acting “to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce … posted social-media content containing protected free speech.”

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Ludwig von Mises on Human Action and the Free Society

by Richard M. Ebeling

Seventy-five years ago, on September 14, 1949, Yale University Press published Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action: A Treatise on Economics. Almost 900 pages in length, it soon became recognized as one of the major works in economics in the twentieth century.

Not that this recognition was felt in the economics profession of the time. Few reviews appeared in the professional economics journals, and the ones that did were far from complimentary. This was not surprising given the dominance of Keynesian and socialist ideas in the years following the Second World War. Few were the voices in the economics profession who were consistent advocates of a liberal, free-market perspective or had the courage to challenge the theoretical and economic policy orthodoxy of that time.

It was presumed that the Great Depression had “proven” the failure of unbridled capitalism and that every society needed a transformation into either some form of government centralized planning or at least strong fiscal and monetary intervention by the federal government to ensure economy-wide stability and full employment. At the same time, any “reformed” capitalist system needed government regulatory restrictions on market competition to prevent monopoly and unfair business practices, along with a larger and larger redistributive welfare state.

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IRS Attempts to Trace Monero in Leaked Training Video, Response from XMR Research Lab

by By #Tbot: Take Back Our Tech

It's no secret that the IRS and other agencies have been looking to trace private cryptocurrencies like Monero. Quickly gaining popularity amongst darknet markets and cybercriminals, Monero is now the de-facto choice for any financial exchange where confidentiality is paramount.

Faced with the impossible task of tracing Monero, the IRS humbled themselves and asked for help from the leading cryptocurrency surveillance platform (or as they like to call themselves 'blockchain data' platform), Chainanalysis.

This relationship blossomed into a $20M contract for Chainanalysis' products and services to support the activities of different IRS departments including the Criminal Investigation Divsion, Cyber & Forensic Services, Small Business / Self-Employed, and Office of Fraud Enforcement.

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Half of All Deaths from Hurricane Helene Occurred 485 Miles North of Where It Made Landfall

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

As an unprecedented humanitarian crisis was happening in real time yesterday morning in Western North Carolina, we turned on the Sunday News programs: CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper and, later in the morning, Face the Nation on CBS. We were stunned that the focus of both programs was the war in the Middle East and the presidential election.

As both national news programs were airing, local news reports were coming out of Buncombe County, North Carolina that people there had no electric power, no running water, no cell phone service, impassible roads, and no distribution centers had been established for bottled water or food because the tractor trailers with the supplies had not arrived — two days after the hurricane hit. At the 10 a.m. press briefing by Buncombe County officials, 10 people were reported dead from Hurricane Helene with 1,000 reported missing. By the 4 p.m. press briefing, the number of deaths from the hurricane in just that one county had tripled to 30 according to Buncombe County Sheriff Quentin Miller, who spoke at both briefings. At that point in time, the deaths in Buncombe County represented more than a third of all deaths being reported by the five states most impacted by Hurricane Helene.

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Iranian ballistic missile impacts reported across Israel after hundreds of deadly explosives launched at Jewish state

By Ronny Reyes

Iranian ballistic missile barrage overwhelmed Israel’s defenses — with dozens of strikes seen on Tel Aviv and other population centers on Tuesday night.

Footage of the harrowing barrage shows more than a numerous missiles hitting Israel and exploding in a fiery blaze within the span of 10 seconds, local KANN News reports.

Similar videos on social media showed missiles or shrapnel hitting Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other population centers. Impact sites have been reported in the cities, as well as in the south and in Sharon.

The Israeli military said Iran was targeting 10 million civilians in Israel with its attack.

All Israelis were ordered to take shelter in bunkers across the country.

People take cover behind vehicles under a bridge along the side of a highway in Tel Aviv on October 1, 2024.AFP via Getty Images

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RIP "Real" Diamonds

By Tyler Durden

Amy Wu, who worked for FTX Ventures until the crypto exchange blew up, recently joined Menlo Ventures, one of Silicon Valley's oldest venture firms, as a partner focused on the consumer sector. 

The downturn in the diamond market is nothing short of breathtaking. It is driven mostly by a surge in low-cost lab-grown diamond supply, which is capturing a larger market share of the gem industry as cash-strapped consumers gravitate to artificial stones. 

Amy Wu, who worked for FTX Ventures until the crypto exchange blew up, recently joined Menlo Ventures, one of Silicon Valley's oldest venture firms, as a partner focused on the consumer sector. 

In a viral post on X, the Menlo partner and analyst highlighted how 2023 marked a pivotal year in the battle between natural diamonds and lab-grown stones for market share.

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Meta Ray-Bans: A privacy risk?

by Martin Crowley

When asked whether it uses the images captured by its AI Ray-Ban smart glasses to train its AI models, Meta said “We’re not saying either way,” claiming it “wasn’t publicly discussing it” as it wasn’t something it typically shared externally.

The smart glasses have a discreet camera on the front of the glasses which takes photos of the environment the user is in, either when asked to do so, or automatically when it hears certain trigger words like “look.” Its newest AI video feature takes a series of photos of its surroundings (sometimes without the user knowing) so it can offer nuanced, natural-sounding answers to questions. For example, if a user asks it to pick an outfit from a closet, it will take a multitude of photos of the user's personal space to respond, and then store these images in an AI model in the cloud.

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30 Lawmakers Sponsor Bill to End Liability Protection for Vaccine Makers

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., El Defensor

Link these words — This article was originally published by The Defender — to the original piece from The Defender website.

A bill introduced late last week in the U.S. House of Representatives would end the liability protections Congress gave vaccine makers under the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

Thirty Republican lawmakers signed on as co-sponsors to House Bill 9828, End the Vaccine Carveout Act. The proposed legislation would end the broad protection from liability for injuries resulting from vaccines listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Childhood Immunization Schedule.

“The … vaccine makers are criminal enterprises that have paid tens of billions in criminal penalties over the past decade,” Children’s Health Defense (CHD) founder and chairman on leave Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said in a statement on the bill.

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‘House of Cards’: Some Cities Hit Pause on Water Fluoridation in Wake of Historic Federal Ruling

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., El Defensor

Link these words — This article was originally published by The Defender — to the original piece from The Defender website.

Several U.S. cities, towns and counties announced they will stop fluoridating their water in the aftermath of a landmark federal court ruling that found water fluoridation at current levels poses an “unreasonable risk” of reduced IQ in children.

Abilene, Texas; Yorktown and Somers, New York; and the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District in Utah are among those cities and districts that responded quickly to the Sept. 24 ruling by U.S. District Judge Edward Chen.

Chen ruled the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can no longer ignore the risk fluoridation poses to human — especially children’s — health and that the agency must take regulatory action.

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Global Birthrate Collapse Will Be Worse than The Black Death

by Brian Wang

Jim Rickards warns of the collapse in China’s population and collapse in global population. Nextbigfuture described these issues in mid-2023 over 15 months ago. I described the collapse as worse than the black death and Jim use the same description.

Jim Rickards is an economist, lawyer, and investment banker with 40 years of experience in the capital markets on Wall Street.

Jim emphasizes China population collapse problem but it is more than just China. It is Japan, Korea and all countries.

The Rule of TWO… point one

Husband and wives MUST average 2.1 children. It is not optional for humanity and society.

2.1 children replace 2 (the husband and the wife). Half of the children are female. 1.1 females at birth means 1.0 females should get to child bearing age and have a child.

In biology, when a population starts declining, it is usually not a controlled thing that re-stabilizes at a lower level.

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I Learned How to Fly This Electric Aircraft in a Week—and I Didn’t Need a License

Soaring a couple hundred feet off the ground, alone in a small aircraft with no piloting experience, sounds like a nightmare to some. But to me, flying solo has been a fantasy since a young Tom Cruise conquered the skies in an F-14.

Pivotal, and a half-dozen competitors in the emerging eVTOL space, have created one-seat, electric aircraft to release your inner Maverick, with no formal flight training.

But the Silicon Valley company’s 10-day program for owners, pilot or not, is a mandatory part of the purchase agreement.  It involves about 40 hours of flight training in a simulator, basically so you can prove you know the one-person aircraft well enough to fly it. That’s followed by 10 real flights. 

The BlackFly (pre-production version of the Helix that I trained in and flew) has been around for 14 years, though it’s a much different aircraft than the garage-built plane Marcus Leng first flew in 2011 to prove an affordable, everyman electric plane could change the face of aviation.

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Simplicius: Iran-Israel Situation Report - Operation True Promise 2: Iran Strikes Again as Missile Barrage Overwhelms Israeli Defenses

by Simplicius

Iran unleashed their ‘Operation True Promise 2’ on Israel, sending hundreds of ballistic missiles which passed unopposed through Israel’s porous air defenses.

One video showcasing the speed of an incoming Iranian—allegedly hypersonic—missile:

Watch the above videos of hundreds of missiles hitting Israel, then read this deluded tweet by a Netanyahu aide, who with a straight face declared that most missiles were intercepted:

Yes, the Tweet is actually real.

Video from the Iranian situation room when the order was given to fire an alleged 200 missiles:

The moment when IRGC Commander-in-Chief, Major General Hossein Salami, orders Iran's missile strike on Israel from Khatam-al Anbiya Central HQ.

One must recall, however, what I said about gerontocracies.

The biggest question that remains is whether the missiles have inflicted any real damage, or if they were merely scattershot ‘psychological’ actions.

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COVID Index: New Research Tool Makes It Easy to Find ‘Censored Science’

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. The Defender

This article was originally published by The Defender

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is hosting a new initiative, The Covid Index, a volunteer-run directory of scientific resources on COVID-19, ranging from peer-reviewed journal papers to whistleblower accounts.

The index’s creators describe it as “censored science and expertise” that is “categorized, excerpted, and searchable.”

Ursula Conway, president of CHD’s Arizona Chapter, is one of the volunteers involved in the initiative. She told The Defender The Covid Index “is a research tool, a quick reference guide” that “cuts through” online censorship.

Kim Bare, another volunteer with the project, said The Covid Index is akin to “an online card catalog … of information sources related primarily to COVID.”

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America Last: After Spending $640 Million On Migrants And Billions Abroad, FEMA Suddenly 'Broke'

by Tyler Durden

The Biden-Harris administration's 'America Last' policies have left the country vulnerable. Between draining the strategic petroleum reserve, sending hundreds of billions in cash and equipment to Ukraine (such as electrical transformers that are now needed for Hurricane Helene), and FEMA spending $640 million to help migrants, the agency tasked with emergency preparedness is now 'broke,' and doesn't have enough money to get through hurricane season which typically lasts through November.

The agency is being stretched as it works with states to assess damage from Hurricane Helene and delivers meals, water, generators and other critical supplies. The storm struck Florida last week, then plowed through several states in the Southeast, flooding towns and killing more than 160 people.

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Kelloggs Has Been Putting Chemicals in US Food That They Don't Use in Other Countries – Petition Delivery to Corporate HQ on Oct 15th

Etienne Note: Kellogg's is one of the companies we identify in our article: Consumer Goods Monopoly Consolidation - The Drug Dealers and the Company Store and one of the companies in our article: Etienne & Jason Christoff - Why is 666 Hidden in Cartel Company Logos, Trump's OK Sign and Twitter's New Logo?  Coincidence they are putting harmful chemicals in their food that THEY DON'T USE IN OTHER COUNTRIES!!!

By Food Babe

It’s time to hold Kellogg’s accountable! Our petition asking Kellogg’s to remove artificial colors and BHT from all of their cereals, as they do in other countries, has now reached well over 163,000 signatures and is growing every day.

We are going to Battle Creek, Michigan to deliver these petitions at Kellogg’s Headquarters on October 15, 2024, along with a coalition of health leaders.

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The Independent Institute Does A Deep Dive on Sports, Stadiums, and Fan Fundraisers

by Craig Eyermann  

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Shipping Stocks Sink After US Port Strike Resolves With Short-Term Deal

by Tyler Durden

Update (0940ET): 

As we detailed overnight, the union behind the 45,000 striking dockworkers agreed to end a three-day strike that paralyzed major US East and Gulf Coast ports. This was a major risk of becoming yet another shitstorm for the Biden-Harris team, already dealing with a president totally out of it...

And good lord, if Biden's mental health has imploded - much like Bidenomics - then who the hell is in charge of the nation with mounting WW3 risks in the Middle East? Iranian hypersonic missiles rained down on Israel just days ago.

 Meanwhile, the International Longshoremen's Association and the US Maritime Association reached a tentative labor agreement, with union members returning to work. The agreement would extend the previous labor contract through Jan. 15. 

The good news is that ports are reopening this morning. The bad news is for those holding long positions in shipping stocks. 

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Telegram ends encryption for personal chats amid criminal activity allegations

by Ruchi Kumari

Telegram, once hailed as a bastion of privacy, has recently made a significant change that has raised eyebrows among its user base. The popular messaging app has quietly removed its end-to-end encryption feature for private chats, just two weeks after its CEO, Pavel Durov, was arrested on allegations of allowing criminal activities on the platform.

This move marks a departure from Telegram's previous stance on user privacy. The company had previously emphasized that private chats were protected from moderation requests, ensuring that conversations between users remained confidential. However, the recent removal of the end-to-end encryption feature suggests a shift in Telegram's priorities.

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Upcoming Liberty Events

Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona - The Voluntaryism Conference - Nov 1-3rd 2024

Your 1.5 Minutes of Zen! - The Liberty on the rocks - Sedona - VIDEO! 

This year, Republicans are saying, “Hey, Elect Trump!” And honestly, he is going to rob everyone and force these policies on you.  

The Democrats are saying, “Hey, Elect Kamala!” And honestly, she is going to rob everyone and force these other policies on you”

Voluntaryists are saying: “Hey, Let’s not rob anyone!” “Government” is illegitimate and immoral on its face; it is the “technique” being used to rob and control the population.


The world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order, and the free market can provide all the services provided by the “government” better, faster and cheaper without waste, fraud, abuse and extortion.

Join David Friedman, Dr. Walter Block, Etienne de la Boetie2, Larken Rose, Derrick Broze, and James Corbett! in Sedona on November 1-3rd… live or via stream… to find out what the monopoly Mainstream Media and the controlled opposition voices of the Mainstream Alternative Media have been hiding from you. 

This year, Don’t “Vote Harder” to Rob Your Neighbors! in fake elections! Discover the biggest secret in American politics: 

We don’t really need “Government” AND how we can begin privatizing its essential services and rolling it back! 

Liberty on the Rocks 2024 

 Voluntaryism: The Good Karma Alternative to Being Tricked Into Voting for the Lesser Evil


The Case for Open Borders - The Future of Freedom Foundation is pleased to announce an online conference with a lineup of libertarian luminaries to discuss one of the most contentious issues in the libertarian debate — open borders. Join us every Monday starting September 30, 2024 where you will hear top minds explore this topic and where you will have the chance to interact and ask questions.

Welcome to the libertarian festival in Montenegro 4-6 October 2024!

Derek Broze - Denmark Activation - Copenhagen, Hotel FY & Bi, Oct 5, 19:30 PM

North London's Multi-Hub 28 -  Hosted by The Hampstead Hub The Kilburn Arms 99-101 Wilesden Lane NW6 7SD - Monday 7 October 2024, 7pm

Food Babe Petition Delivery to Kelloggs on Harmful Chemicals in Their Food They DON'T Use in Other Countries – Oct 15th, Friendship Park, Battle Creek, MI

The Liberator 2 Showcase October 15th  (on-line)

VONUFEST5 - Sept 30-Oct 7 - Vandalia, IL

Mises Supporters Summit 2024 - October 10-13, 2024, Hilton Head, South Carolina

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival (MIDFEST) - October, 2024, Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Liberty on the Rocks - Sedona (The Voluntaryist Conference) - November 1-3, Sedona  Click Here for 1.5 Min Video Overview

 We are going to be back in Sedona for Year 2..  Just in time for the selection!  

- Do we really need a fake "Hobson's Choice" between two crooked puppet politicians OR is the solution a peaceful and orderly dissolution of the US federal "government"? 

Liberty in Our Lifetime - November 1-3, 2024. Empire Hall, Prague, Czech Republic

Texas 2024 Liberty International World Conference  - 15-18 November

The Peoples Reset - January 29th-Feb 6th 2025 - Morelia, Mexico

- Etienne de la Boetie2 will be a speaker

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

Society (Live From New Healing Festival)

@Chief · Society (Live From New Healing Festival)

Is there a new freedom artist in town?  Chief dropped this song and video on me... I told him it isn't society to blame... But the organized crime system using "government" to rob and tax farm society... He might be miffed because so many good intentioned folks go along with our evil system... I was definitely able to get behind the other 99% of the tune! Welcome to the party Chief! Get it on Spotify at:

Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

New Hampshire is one of the smartest states in the country!  

The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version.  Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 - Companion media to “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 - Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 - Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 - Voluntaryism and more evidence of "Government" corruption:

Liberator #5 - Prepping and Self-Sufficiency - Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at - The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation.  We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed!, Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! - We simply couldn't do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack!  If you are enjoying the Daily News, Important News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider "Going Paid" on Substack.  All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You! 

3. Buy Us a Coffee... Err Juice! at us for as little as $5...  We really, really appreciate it! OR Buy Us a Coffee at  BTW, right now coffee is winning! 

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of "Government" in Your Town / City - Do you (or a friend) have a retail location?  Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits.  We have everything you need to attractively merchandise "Government" and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at - Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles.  Especially popular is our "Everything Bundle" - The Sampler of Liberty! 

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

The Art of Liberty Foundation Logo

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: "Government" The Biggest Scam in History ... Exposed!!                          

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